Friday, January 27, 2012

Celestron Sky Scout Handheld GPS + Sky Chart

!9#:Celestron Sky Scout Handheld GPS + Sky Chart

Brand : Celestron
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Post Date : Jan 27, 2012 11:30:20
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

* Celestron SkyScout Personal Planetarium identifies celestial objects instantly with the click of a button. * Locates over 6,000 stars, planets and constellations from built-in celestial database and provides scientific information for each object. * Provides comprehensive text and audio descriptions providing history, mythology and other entertaining information for the most popular objects. * Tonight's Highlights: A customized list of the 20 best objects to view for your exact date, time and location anywhere in the world. * Constellation Lessons: if the star you identify or locate is part of a constellation like the Big Dipper, you can actually take a guided tour through all the stars in that constellation and even see an onscreen map of the constellation. * Built-in Field Guide Includes: o Introduction to astronomy: a six part audio lesson on the origin and history of astronomy. o Glossary of Terms: text defining popular astronomy terms including planets, comets, galaxies and more. o Great Astronomers: text bios on some of the world's greatest astronomers including Galileo, Einstein and Copernicus. o Man Made Space Objects: text description of some of the coolest objects man has sent into space including the International Space Station, the Hubble Space Telescope and the Space Shuttle. o Comet Guide: text descriptions about history's most famous comets including Halley's Comet and Comet Hale-Bop. * SD card slot: for separately purchased "Sky Tour'' audio presentations that provide hours of entertainment on a variety of topics. * USB port: allows database to be updated with new objects as they are discovered, comets, etc. * Simple enough for all ages: just turn it on and it's ready to use. * SD card slot. * USB for connection to PC. * 3.5mm stereo jack for headphones. * Dimensions: H-2.5 D-4.0 W-7.4 inches. * Weight: 15.2 ounces (without batteries). * Requires 2 x 1.5V AA batteries (purchased separately). --PLUS-- Star Chart Book

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Our Life-Friendly Planet Earth - Are We One and Only?

!9#: Our Life-Friendly Planet Earth - Are We One and Only?

Total Solar Eclipse - Window to the Universe

In addition to the dramatic and awe-inspiring novelty of a total solar eclipse, the highly improbable exact size/distance equality between sun and moon as viewed from Earth, provides a unique opportunity for modern and advanced telescopy to observe the heavens as never before. The perfect match of relative sizes in a total eclipse completely blocks out the sun's aura, thus, for brief moments, mankind has lately been able to clearly see the universe without the blocking aura of the sun, and therefore is better able to probe heaven's mysteries.

What has been learned is, not only that Earth and our moon seem to be the best viewing platform in all of space, but also that Earth is quite possibly the only life-sustaining planet in the universe - despite the billions of stars in millions of galaxies. This seems to be so because of many factors:

Earth's encompassing magnetic field from its molten-metal core plus the four giant planets patrolling outer orbits (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) provide powerful protective shielding against deadly cosmic radiation - devastating to star systems in the very common spiral galaxies such as our Milky Way. Black hole singularities, one at the core of our Milky Way, are deadly, deeply mysterious structures of "infinite" density. Their gravity fields are so powerful that even rays of light cannot escape. the fragility of our water-based life in an extremely hostile universe. our optimum distance from the sun provides a life-friendly moderate temperature range. varying between tolerable heat and tolerable cold. As evidenced in a recent NASA (Phoenix) soil experiment on Mars, foreign substances in soils or atmospheres may be inhospitable to fragile life systems such as ours - Mars soil, for example is extremely oxidizing and destructive. Despite almost fifty years of effort, and with increased sophistication of radio receivers and telescopes (estimated at 100 trillion times more powerful than the first attempt to contact extra-terrestrial life in 1960), there has been no success whatsoever. The program is called SETI - Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. Even if other life does exist elsewhere in the Universe, the unimaginable distances plus the (Einstein established) fact that the speed of light cannot be exceeded, preclude any form of communication, much less interaction (as in the popular Television series Star Trek.)

Super Nova

Physicists explain that, in the first moments following the Big Bang, only the light elements, hydrogen and helium, were created. With subsequent compression and super-compression within the cores of stars, this squeezed the hydrogen so tightly that their nuclei combined and recombined to form the heavier elements: carbon, iron, uranium, and the other (natural) 89 elements that comprise the universe. The births of stars and their deaths were all needed to "recook" the hydrogen and helium into the elements needed for life as we know it. These stars then exploded and spewed their newly formed elements into the universe.

On the night of February 23, 1987, an unusual event occurred, light from a Super Nova reached Earth. It had taken 170,000 years for the light of that exploding star (along with mysterious neutrinos) to arrive at our solar system and planet. And by accident, the birth of a Super Nova and its explosion were observed only this year, when a "starburst" brighter than a billion normal stars was noticed.

Beginning at 9:33 a.m. EST, Jan 9, 2008, when by chance, NASA's X-ray satellite was studying a nearby old supernova, a brilliant flash of light was seen. The Super Nova was 90 million light-years away (a light year is almost six trillion miles.) Lasting only 5 minutes, the event was the death throes of a star, occurring when a star burns up its nuclear fuel; then collapses under its own weight; then compresses; then explodes, spewing out the sequence of the element table. These elements, fortunately, are essential for the creation of planets like Earth.

Our Life-Friendly Planet Earth - Are We One and Only?

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Friday, January 13, 2012

Farpoint Far-Sight Binocular Bracket for the Celestron SkyScout, with Sky Scout Camera Mounting Screw & Standard Binocular Mounting Screw

!9#: Farpoint Far-Sight Binocular Bracket for the Celestron SkyScout, with Sky Scout Camera Mounting Screw & Standard Binocular Mounting Screw

Rate : | Price : | Post Date : Jan 13, 2012 10:48:06
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Farpoint Far Sight Binocular Bracket for Celestron SkyScout. Use your binoculars with Celestron's Sky Scout or camera. Same as the FAR-Sight Standard Mounting System but includes the Sky Scout/Camera mounting screw as well as the standard binocular mounting screw.

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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Astronomy for Kids: Parenting Tips for Dads on Bringing Up Kids

!9#: Astronomy for Kids: Parenting Tips for Dads on Bringing Up Kids

There is nothing like sitting outside in the dark with your kids and staring up at the night sky. Time stands still as you both ponder the enormity of the universe and your place within it. Poetry springs to mind as you try to explain to your child how people 100 years ago didn't have television and 500 years ago could really imagine a "man in the moon." Talking about the constellations brings more talk about ancient people seeing stories in stars and constructing their world-view out of the few reproducible phenomena in their lives. Even a three-year-old can fall under the spell of the heavens. Every child should be able to look into the sky, understand that our earth revolves at a speed of some 800 miles and hour, and see the stars for what they are: dying suns millions of light years away. Better yet though, is for a child (or adult) to be able to recognize the constellations and the planets. That's a basic skill like knowing how to juggle, play the harmonica or how to score a baseball game. None are necessary for survival in the world, but are part of a basic set of skills that make life fuller, more nuanced, and more interesting.

However, if you're like me, this is not information you ever learned in school. Amateur astronomy, the inspirational kind for non-astrophysicists, is not taught in school. It's like the non-existent course on "how to invest in the stock market" that would have saved you a bundle if only they had had a course like that in college. Luckily, like a lot of things on the big list of "Things I wish I had learned in school," there are ways to fill in the gap of your knowledge and that of your children.

First, obviously, is a trip to local museum and planetarium. Not surprisingly, I have not done that with my kids. Instead, I jumped for accessible tools we could look at at home and take with us on trips anywhere I think there will be a big black sky we can peer into together. By all means, go to the local planetarium. Better yet, if there is an observatory, check that out on a clear, warm summer night.

However, if you have little kids who would not sit through a planetarium show, or stay up late enough to take the Observatory route, here are a few other ideas:

Buy or use a good set of binoculars to look at the moon. A telescope at the early stage is overkill and kids have trouble delaying gratification while you set it up. A good pair of binoculars, perhaps small enough to travel with you easily, can bring the moon in close enough to stimulate great conversation on stars, planets, moons, and space travel. I have a pair of small Nikon Travelite binoculars with 9x25 resolution. Prices are below 0 for what used to be a luxury item. They are small enough to carry easily in a jacket pocket and I take them with us on all family trips, for moon-watching, but also because the kids love to look at everything: birds, animals, neighbors, with them. And, as I always say, "it's for the kids," is always a good gambit to satisfy your middle-age desire for that pinball machine, slot-car set, or model train you've wanted since you were nine years old.

Try an in-house planetarium. Don't laugh. Especially if you are miles away from a science museum, or have young kids like I do, this might be a good option to familiarize the kids with concept of the solar system. At .95, don't expect the Star Theater 2 to serve up popcorn for the show, but the price is right for the semi-sophisticated tool that it is. The Star Theatre is a clear globe with the stars and constellations printed on it. Inside is a halogen bulb, and when you turn it on, you get a projection on the walls and ceiling of the night sky. So, okay, with the lights illuminating everything that "isn't" a star, the idea is a little upside-down, but the kids get the idea. A CD comes with the set, and in dulcet tones, the narrators explain the heavens. I found the CD narration to be both basic and interesting at the same time - clear enough for my six-year-old, but clearly a snore for my two-year-old. The globe itself, can be taken outside, and with its glow-in-the-dark printing, can be used as a star map (read on for other tools for this).
Additionally, the Theatre comes with a "meteor-maker" the kids can play with to project asteroids on the ceiling while you fight for control so that you can show them the Big Dipper. I can't imagine using this device thousands of times, but my daughter is still enthralled with the idea of stars and planets on the walls and regularly begs for a star show.

A basic tool is a Constellation map for finding stars in the night sky. I recommend the Star Finder. There are plenty to choose from on Amazon. We have something similar to the Orion Planisphere. It's very simple and easy to use. At .99 though, try the Glow-In-The-Dark Star Finder and let me know what you think. At this price, you can't go wrong. As the Amazon review says: "When you're out under the summer sky attempting to discern Leo on the western horizon, less is more. Try to juggle an astronomy tome and a flashlight and you'll end up with more mosquito bites than star sightings. A star dial is what's needed, a lightweight paper contraption that can be manipulated to show the sky as you see it, whatever the month and time of night. Accurate for the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, there is also a chart showing where to expect Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, month by month, through the year 2000. The stars are rated by magnitude; there's a zodiac dial identifying each zodiac constellation, showing how it appears in the sky; and most helpful of all, the stars are coated with a luminous treatment that causes them to glow in the dark, so you can see what you're looking for without ruining your night vision with bright lights. It's a superbly simple yet elegantly
constructed stargazer aid."

These star maps are simple cardboard items, about the size of a magazine and as thick as a few pieces of cardboard. The non-glow-in-the-dark ones require that you put a piece of red plastic over your flashlight for reading them in the dark, or your eyes will never be able to go back and forth from the map and the sky.

If your budget allows, take a look at the Celestron SkyScout Personal Planetarium. I have not seen this gadget perform, but it sounds magical.

Another take on the same theme is the Stellarscope, which allows you to look up through a telescope-style device to see the stars as they would appear in the sky. At close to , it's more expensive and bulky, and probably over-kill for most.

Attach glow in the dark stars to your ceiling. This is a very low-cost idea that adds a magical element to both your child's bedroom and to bedtime. The stars are barely visible on a white ceiling but are very bright after lights out. It's easy to put up the simplest constellations (think Big and Little Dipper) and the stars are easy to remove from painted surfaces.

And lastly, take a look at telescopes at some point. Not having any real experience (yet!) on this, I can only suggest taking a look at the selections below. Both National Geographic and the Discovery Store have good selections and provide good instruction materials for most science projects. Shop for Telescopes & Science Tools at National Geographic!

Astronomy for Kids: Parenting Tips for Dads on Bringing Up Kids

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Gadget Show: LG @CES

Check out LG's latest upcoming products at this year's CES held at the Las Vegas convention center. For more videos, news and reviews go to

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Celestron SkyScout -- Product Review

More info: SkyScout Personal Planetarium - The SkyScout makes star-gazing a whole lot easier, and a lot more fun! SkyScout works in one of two ways. You can point the SkyScout at what you are looking at in the sky, then via GPS, the SkyScout will tell you what exactly it is you're looking at. Or, you can select a celestial object you want to see via it's internal menu, and SkyScout will prompt you with directional arrows through the viewfinder. Follow it's directions and SkyScout will let you know when you're on target. SkyScout also has the capability to educate you on the object your viewing. Via Audio and text, the SkyScout will give you facts, trivia, history and mythology on the most popular space-faring bodies.

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Sunday, December 11, 2011 Award Video For The SkyScout ...

The Skyscout Personal Planetarium from the Celestron company is an amazing tech product for this summer to help you enjoy all your night time star gazing. This product directs you to any star, planet, or constellation and brings the universe to you. It's the perfect Astronomy tutor and really helps you enjoy the beatiful summer night time skies. Check out this award video to learn more about this product. You can visit the SkyScout Personal Planetarium web page by clicking here:

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